About Me

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I am a wife and mother. I am Catholic. Over the past several years, I have found myself becoming a more "liberal" thinker. Not agreeing with many conservative policies, legislation, and decisions makes me neither "unAmerican" nor "unpatriotic". I find it pathetically laughable that individuals are placing the blame for the declining moral climate of our country on gay marriage. I believe that the No Child Left Behind Act is completely unrealistic and destructive to our already weakening public education system. I believe that education should be a privilege rather than a right. I believe in saying ma'am and sir. I believe in saying please, thank you, and you're welcome. I believe in tipping, and tipping well. I do not believe in using the Bible as a means to persecute and discriminate against others. I believe the pen is mightier than the sword. I believe that we should be teaching our youth the dangers of unprotected and unsafe sex, not shielding them from reality. I believe that brunettes have more fun! I believe that LSU in the greatest school in the world - Geaux Tigers :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Bye bye Facebook...

Since I've given up Facebook for Lent, it's pretty astonishing how much more productive I've been during the day :) I am missing the updates on everyone's lives though, as well as posting my own statuses from day to day. So, I've decided to somewhat fulfill my Facebook obsession by posting my "would have been my Facebook updates" here!

Monday (3/14) - Liam was majorly cranky today. He fussed all day and wouldn't nap - I don't think the poor guy is feeling very well :( Thankfully, he went to sleep early this evening though.

Tuesday (3/15) - Liam slept until 11 - whoohoo! And he woke up feeling much better than yesterday. Of course, that meant that Sean was in a horrible mood today - go figure :P

Wednesday (3/16) - Sean and I decided to hit Super Wal-Mart tonight for our weekly grocery shopping. Turns out we love Super Wal-Mart at eleven at night :) Hardly any customers (and the ones that are there are in their pajamas so you don't have to care what you look like!), the staff is apparently so bored they jump to offer any assistance, and no frustratingly long lines. Sean fell asleep in the car on the way home, so no bedtime battle either. I consider this Wal-Mart trip a tremendous success.

Thursday (3/17) - I decided to try my hand at cooking some Irish fare today in honor of St. Patrick's day. I found a recipe for corned beef brisket that called for coating it in brown sugar and then slow-roasting it in Guinness. I added some carrots and potatoes, and it was pretty awesome if I do say so myself. Sean helped make dessert, which was a pistachio ambrosia sort of dish with pineapples and mandarin oranges - it was yummy too. Justin's parents came over for dinner, and we had a good time. The boys were too cute in their green of course. I'll post some pics as soon as I find the cord to connect the camera to the computer. :)

Friday (3/18) - Unpacked 16 boxes today - whew! All of it kitchen stuff too. The last mountain of boxes was definitely made smaller today, and hopefully I'll work up the energy next week to tackle the rest.

Saturday (3/19) - Took the LCE at Lamar today. When you're enrolled in a program with Lamar that requires a certification test, they won't approve you to take the actual test until you take their practice version and make at least an 80. I made an 83, thank goodness, so now I can register to take the real principal certification exam. After the test, we took Sean to look at swing sets. Found one we liked at Toys R' Us, so we're going to look into ordering it online. Went to dinner with Jess and her mom tonight, which was great. I hadn't been to Saltgrass yet, and it was awesome.

Sunday (3/20) - Church, then lunch with Justin's family at La Cantina - yum. Went to Sam's afterward, and found a swing set that we liked better than the one at Toys R' Us, so we're going to order that one instead. I've gotta get this boy outside to burn some energy now that the weather is beautiful. Fair starts this week- yay!!

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