About Me

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I am a wife and mother. I am Catholic. Over the past several years, I have found myself becoming a more "liberal" thinker. Not agreeing with many conservative policies, legislation, and decisions makes me neither "unAmerican" nor "unpatriotic". I find it pathetically laughable that individuals are placing the blame for the declining moral climate of our country on gay marriage. I believe that the No Child Left Behind Act is completely unrealistic and destructive to our already weakening public education system. I believe that education should be a privilege rather than a right. I believe in saying ma'am and sir. I believe in saying please, thank you, and you're welcome. I believe in tipping, and tipping well. I do not believe in using the Bible as a means to persecute and discriminate against others. I believe the pen is mightier than the sword. I believe that we should be teaching our youth the dangers of unprotected and unsafe sex, not shielding them from reality. I believe that brunettes have more fun! I believe that LSU in the greatest school in the world - Geaux Tigers :)

Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Since I'm so terrible a keeping up with this blogging phenomenon, it will probably take me several posts to update on our Christmas vacation. We left Beaufort around noon on Friday, Dec. 19 and drove to Mariana, Fl where we stayed the night. We left the next morning around seven and arrived in Vidor at 2:30 pm. We were a little nervous wondering how Sean would feel about riding the in the truck for so long, but he was awesome! He began having a meltdown right when he hit the Texas border, so the only fussing he did was for the last twenty or so minutes of the ride. It was great getting to see Justin's mom and dad (Gigi and Paddy) because we haven't been able to come to Vidor since Easter. The first night here, we went to dinner at Tammy's (Justin's aunt) where Sean played and played with his cousin Caroline. The next morning, Sunday, Baby Jud (Brook and Ryan's newest addition) who is four months old was baptized at St. Jude's in Beaumont. Afterward, we ate at Carmela's...yay for Tex-Mex!!!! We came home so Sean could nap and then went over to Ryan and Brook's where Sean played with Max and Sam.

Sean riding with Max while Sam pouts.

Sean riding the roller coaster with Uncle Ryan.