About Me

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I am a wife and mother. I am Catholic. Over the past several years, I have found myself becoming a more "liberal" thinker. Not agreeing with many conservative policies, legislation, and decisions makes me neither "unAmerican" nor "unpatriotic". I find it pathetically laughable that individuals are placing the blame for the declining moral climate of our country on gay marriage. I believe that the No Child Left Behind Act is completely unrealistic and destructive to our already weakening public education system. I believe that education should be a privilege rather than a right. I believe in saying ma'am and sir. I believe in saying please, thank you, and you're welcome. I believe in tipping, and tipping well. I do not believe in using the Bible as a means to persecute and discriminate against others. I believe the pen is mightier than the sword. I believe that we should be teaching our youth the dangers of unprotected and unsafe sex, not shielding them from reality. I believe that brunettes have more fun! I believe that LSU in the greatest school in the world - Geaux Tigers :)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

I'm sitting here and have an assignment due by midnight, so figured I would blog :) After all, it has been a year since my last post. I (quite obviously) still haven't gotten the hang of this blogging thing. Now that I'm on bedrest, maybe I'll be better.. I am, however, NOT holding my breath. I have been officially put on bedrest by my ob/gyn due to my developing the early stages of preeclampsia. I'll be induced Monday, November 1st, at 37 weeks, as long as my bloodwork doesn't show any significant deteroriations before then. Keeping our fingers crossed! While I am soooooo ready to not be pregnant, I want this little bean to stay cooking for as long as possible. I've been going to the doctor and/or hospital every other day or so for the past two weeks now. My sister says I look like a junkie with all of the bruises on my arms from taking blood :)

I'm staying with my mom and dad right now since Justin is already back in Texas. Mom and I put the baby's pack and play up today, where he'll sleep for the first few months at least. I was just going to reuse Sean's but when I saw all of the new fancy contraptions on the new ones, I couldn't resist....I'm a sucker, I guess! We also bought a new double stroller, and I bought a few odds and ends. Other than than, I'm thankful for another boy because I didn't have to buy very much. I still had all of Sean's clothes, so I just pulled out the rubbermaids and we were in business. Justin will be here this weekend - just in time to take Sean trick-or-treating. Sean looooves Halloween, and he reminds me everyday that his daddy will "be here soon!" We've been having a few daddy meltdowns lately, so Justin can't get here soon enough! I guess Sean is getting tired of mom and is ready to see a different face :)

Off to finish my homework. Before I leave, here are some pics of Sean taken at a nearby pumpkin patch called Holiday Farms. We've been going there for the past three years during fall and then again in spring for Easter egg picking. It's a great place, and one I will miss when we are back in Texas. Here's an Easter one as well from this past spring.

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