About Me

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I am a wife and mother. I am Catholic. Over the past several years, I have found myself becoming a more "liberal" thinker. Not agreeing with many conservative policies, legislation, and decisions makes me neither "unAmerican" nor "unpatriotic". I find it pathetically laughable that individuals are placing the blame for the declining moral climate of our country on gay marriage. I believe that the No Child Left Behind Act is completely unrealistic and destructive to our already weakening public education system. I believe that education should be a privilege rather than a right. I believe in saying ma'am and sir. I believe in saying please, thank you, and you're welcome. I believe in tipping, and tipping well. I do not believe in using the Bible as a means to persecute and discriminate against others. I believe the pen is mightier than the sword. I believe that we should be teaching our youth the dangers of unprotected and unsafe sex, not shielding them from reality. I believe that brunettes have more fun! I believe that LSU in the greatest school in the world - Geaux Tigers :)

Monday, July 28, 2008

twice in one day...impressive

I'm back...I have to travel to Charleston tomorrow for a coaches' clinic, so of course I'm procrastinating. It is currently 10:16 p.m. I have to be up and gone by seven in the morning and, naturally, I am neither packed nor have I printed out any of the material I need for the conference. This is nothing new :) I should be looking forward to this clinic as I will actually be receiving some useful info, but I'm still going to be a baby and pout about it anyway.

Tomorrow is Justin's birthday; he'll be 27. I'm bummed b/c I won't be here to celebrate it with him. We plan on going to dinner Friday night. He's chosen Outback, which is definitely okay by me :) Now, all he needs to do is decide what kind of dessert he wants. You'd think this would be an easy task, but my husband isn't terribly fond of sweets (For shame, I know). He has narrowed it down to either strawberry cake with cream cheese icing or lemon apricot pound cake. I bought him a gun safe for his bday - we really needed one. It hasn't arrived yet but should be on its way.

Speaking of Justin, this reminds me. To clear up any confusion over my last post, Justin took the PRAXIS because he is interested in teaching. He really enjoys his current job as a police officer for the Beaufort Police Department and he likes most of the people he works with, but he's just not crazy about the hours. South Carolina has a program called the PACE program that allows people without degrees in education to become certified in an area they majored in. Justin is qualified to teach business through this program, so he's on the lookout for any positions that may open, specifically at Beaufort High where I teach. We have one business ed. teacher who has been on "leave" since last May and is under investigation for some unethical practices (to say the least), so we are currently waiting to see how that situation pans out.

I began the South Beach diet yesterday (again). This will be the third time that I've done so. The first was several years ago when, looking back, I had no business doing dieting of any kind. I guess we never appreciate our prebaby bodies until they are gone!!! The second time was in March when nothing else would get rid of my last 10 lbs. of baby weight. The diet worked but during the summer I have been eating horribly. I seem to have an all or nothing personality when it comes to food that is not good for me. I can't eat just one cupcake, I have to eat three or four. Same when it comes to doughnuts, or muffins, or cake, or cheesecake, or biscuits, or...well, you get the picture. I decided to begin Phase 1 of South Beach yesterday at (what time was it Jess??) about six p.m. I've been saying "I'll start tomorrow" for several weeks, so I decided to say "I'll start right now!" Jess, Wil, Justin, Sean and I went to Chili's for dinner last night, and, thankfully, they have plenty of tasty dishes that are "allowed." I had the margarita grilled chicken and shrimp (yum). Tonight, Justin grilled so we had steaks and salad. Easy enough. Justin's decided that he's going to start the diet as well; he's just trying to figure out when. It's tougher for him with his job. So often, they eat on the go, and it's much easier to grab some fast food or chips and a candy bar from the convenience store.

I guess I'll go find another outlet for my procrastination now - I wish everyone a blessed evening. Spend time with your families - I'll sure miss mine tomorrow and Wednesday. Happy bday Justin!!! I love you!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know what the exact time was, but I hear you on the all or nothing. Wil and I started eating healthily last Monday and it's already showing on the scales. He's actually working out and stuff, but I haven't yet gotten that motivated. lol.